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Writer's pictureEmily & Natalie

DAIR: An interview with Celine Gabrielle

Celine Gabrielle is our Fall 2021 digital artist-in-residence! We did a short and sweet interview to get to know her before her residency begins.

Name: Celine Gabrielle

Location: Wolfville NS

Medium: oil and acrylic

School(s)/Education: Self-taught although I did get to go to an arts high school

Who is your biggest artist inspiration? No way possible to pick just one but as a child I admired the work of Tamara De Lempicka and as an adult learning more about her trailblazing life story I’m even more impressed. There are quite a few living artists that inspire me like Ashley Longshore, Danielle Krysa, and Ekaterina Popova… not only because they are brave and bold with their art but also because they are intelligent business people, have created their own opportunities and are endlessly supportive of other artists.

Is there a book or other resource (podcast etc) that has impacted your practice? Sooo many…books: Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon to get started with and podcasts: listening to the lives and stories of artists on The Jealous Curator has given me endless inspiration.

If you could talk to yourself right after graduation (or start of your career), what would you say? Keep showing up! Thats what I wrote on a piece of paper and put on my idea bored in my studio very early on. I knew it was important to keep going to my studio every day and simply making work, everything else could be figured out but I had to start by consistently making work.

How do you overcome creative block? I used to stress about it, and of course that only made it worse so now I give in. If there’s nothing going on in my mind, I do nothing just I rest or sometimes I try to shake things up and do some thing fun, something new or some thing I’ve never done before.

Best advice you've been given so far in your career? I’m not sure I’ve actually been given any direct advice, but I’ve learned a lot by watching and listening to what other artists I admire are doing, taking notes and trying to adapt what’s worked for them and make it my own.

Follow along as Celine shares her practice with us over the next month, and learn more about her work on his website


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