This virtual curation centers around textile and fibre based works to prove thread and fabric are interdisciplinary. They are capable of spanning across painting, drawing, sculpture, installation, and photography in an incredible way. These works also have diversity in size and subject matter. Benning's piece could fit in the palm of your hand, while McCavour's larger than life installation hangs higher than one can reach and the abstract work of MacDonald contrasts with the suggestive representational "paintings" created by Varey. Each artist is pushing the boundary of traditional media in contemporary contexts and reminds us of our appreciation for the hand-made. These pieces would look just as wonderful on our living room wall as in an art gallery.
Sarah K. Benning, contemporary embroidery
Andrew MacDonald, Crossover, 2014, machine knitted acrylic and wool yarn
Natalie Miller, weaving, hand dyed wool
Aya Haidar, Al Balad, 2011, Embroidery on linen
Amanda McCavour, Pattern Study, 2015, recycled t-shirts on canvas, heat fused and cut phot
Matthew Varey, Tapestry 10, 2015, Linen and wool