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Submit To The Gathered Gallery

Submissions are currently closed. 

Submissions are accepted with a Pay What You Can submission fee.

Submission requirements:

  • Name, contact, location, and website

  • 3 - 6 images of work for consideration

  • Supportive writing (ie. artist statement)


Submission Schedule:

On January 1st, 2020, The Gathered Gallery transitioned to a rotating programming schedule with three submission deadlines per year: 



  • Submissions received between January 1 and April 30 are considered for our Fall programming (September - December) and will be notified by July

  • Submissions received by May 1 and August 31 are considered for our Winter programming (January - April) and will be notified by November

  • Submissions received by September 1 and December 31 are considered for our Summer programming (May - August) and will be notified by March 

Why deadlines and submission fees? 


With the high number of submissions we receive every month, we believe a rotating submission deadline will allow us to give all submissions for each programming season a response within a shorter time frame. It will also allow artists the opportunity to resubmit for future programming deadlines if unsuccessful.



After three years of offering free submissions, The Gathered Gallery has made the carefully considered decision to implement a modest Pay What You Can submission fee. This project cannot run on passion alone, and we believe creative careers are important, hard earned occupations and deserve financial compensation. ART=WORK


However, as emerging artists ourselves we know artists work hard for their income and hope a sliding PWYC scale will be accessible at all career levels. We have also implemented an option for those who self-identify as members of the BIPOC and/or LGBTQ2S+ communities to submit without payment to support visibility and representation for artists facing statistically fewer opportunities in galleries, magazines, and institutions.  


With support from our community, we can improve and increase the amount we do to serve artists with this project.



When you support The Gathered Gallery you are supporting:


  • Arts writing and its impact on an artist's career

  • Curation of engaging and exciting work

  • A digital artist residency

  • Studio Mates: an art critique group

  • A network of creatives building each other up

  • Well deserved promotion of talented artists

  • Inspiration in your newsfeed and inbox

  • Creative tools for professional practice

  • A Canadian art opportunities database

  • And more to come! 



Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to your submission!
If you have questions about The Gathered Gallery please read our FAQ below and send us an e-mail at

Planning to submit your work for an artist feature? Click below to receive a free submission with the purchase of our Career Building Templates!


Template Bundle + Free Submission



What is The Gathered Gallery?

The Gathered Gallery is a blog full of art, curatorial writing, and resources for artists! It is run by artist duo Natalie Field and Emily Pittman, we feature a new artist every week and are always brainstorming new ways to serve our creative community.


Do you have a physical gallery space?

No, we are a digital "gallery" only! We work together on this project remotely (Natalie in Toronto, ON and Emily in St, John's, NL) and this website is our real estate. We love the flexibility of an online space and feature artists both locally and internationally.


Do you represent artists and sell art?

We don't sell any of the art we share! We write about art that we love, interview artists about their practices, promote artists and exhibitions, and accept submissions for all of the above, however we are not a commercial gallery and do not have a roster of artists we represent.


Do you accept submissions?

Yes! We accept submissions on three deadlines each year, December 31, April 30, and August 31. Submission fees are offered on an accessible Pay What You Can sliding scale and all submissions will be equally considered regardless of payment option.


How do you feature artist submissions?

We feature artists in many different ways! For example, submission feature possibilities include art bullets, bite-sized art writing that we post every week, and artist interviews, which offer access to an artist's practice. We also share artists we love through #gatheredgrams, a tagged repost shared on our Instagram account every week, and Subscriber Shoutouts, an artist mention in our monthly newsletter. These are just a few of the ways we share artists we love!


I haven't heard back about my submission, does this mean I won't be featured?

You should receive a confirmation e-mail that your submission has been received (if not please let us know at Because we feature one artist a week and receive many submissions, our programming schedule is long and there can often be significant time between a submission and a feature. We program at least one season in advance with three annual deadlines. 

If I submit am I guaranteed a feature?

No, submission does not guarantee a feature and we carefully curate the artists we select. We receive a much larger number of submissions than programming spots available, however we understand the effort and energy required to submit an application and spend significant time thoughtfully considering each submission we receive. Artists are welcome to resubmit a new project of body of work for future programming deadlines. 


What is a digital residency?

Our digital residency is a month-long "residency" where an artist shares their art, creative process, and writing on a dedicated blog page of our website for a month. They also get access to our Instagram account to share their studio practice with our community. We host a digital artist-in-residence three times a year and it's one of our favorite collaborations.


What resources do you have for artists?

We currently have three main "creative careers" pages for artists: guides, tools, and opportunities. Our guides page offers freebies including: goal setting, art labels, and a painter's checklist. Our tools page features a list of tools that we love and use as artists and bloggers (and we love new suggestions for this list!). Finally, our opportunities page is an exciting collaborative page where artists can view, edit, and add application opportunities in Canada. These are just the beginning of the many resources for artists and creative careers we hope to offer!


How can I support The Gathered Gallery?

The easy and free way to support The Gathered Gallery is to share, share, share! Help spread the word about this project, the artists we feature, and the things we do. Also, follow us on Instagram at and sign up for our newsletter to help us stay connected. If you really love our project and would like to help us keep it going, consider supporting us on Patreon.

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