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Alex Morrison

Alex Morrison plays with pattern and form while referencing habitable spaces and styles from around the world. His practice is full of variety: unstained wood, mod mushroom lamps and functional sculpture are just a glimpse into an exciting body of work.

The simulated chaos in "Through the Brume" leaves us feeling like we missed a great party! The eccentric patterns and bold, vintage furniture launch this space into a funkier time period. However, there is a unnatural sense of perfection in these works that - at first glance - read as photographs. No beer can is bent, there isn't a spill or a lingering party-goer to be seen. This flawlessness is a clue to their computer-generated origin. We find the resulting softness of each digitally rendered object a great contrast within these jam-packed and detail-oriented rooms. "Olde Town" reminds us of the compelling line work on European façades. By allowing the wood colour to remain, it becomes a celebration of material and its naturally occurring characteristics. "Untitled, Lantern" feels like a natural transition away from this work. The compilation of architectural elements, such as trusses, cause the façade reference to be equally relevant. We love how its a real functional object that could be used in home decoration.

Its impressive that a common thread, like architectural and domestic spaces, can produce such a wide range of successful and interesting artworks and still stand as a unified body of work. Alex Morrison's title may imply that he's DunLurnin, DunCarin, and DunLivin, but his artistic practice is definitely alive and well!

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