Toronto based artist Erin Loree's paintings catch our attention with their figurative abstractions. Each painting is quick to captivate, but slow to lose our interest.
Bursting with pinks, purples and blues, her works are luxuriously full of paint and colour. Large brush strokes are traces of an energetic movement across the canvas, and make even the modest sized paintings feel massive. Loree leaves no chroma excluded, and the resulting vibrancy is a treat for the eyes. When studied carefully, what appear at first to be pure abstractions reveal wonderful moments of figurative reference. The fluorescent yellow contour of fingers in "The Meeting" enables it to become something relatable and successfully allow us to get lost in its narrative potential.
These works create satisfying depth and space with gradients and deep, rich shadows. Erin Loree's paintings let us step into a colourful dream, where both abstract and figurative elements come together.